
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Transit Administration (FTA) is announcing the availability of $22.5 million through the latest round of the Low or No Emission Vehicle Deployment Program (LoNo) that will help deploy the next generation of energy-efficient vehicles nationwide. The funds are intended to encourage adoption of green technologies in transit buses, such as hydrogen fuel cells and electric and hybrid engines.

FTA will award the LoNo funds on a competitive basis to transit agencies and state transportation departments working either independently or jointly with bus manufacturers already making low- and zero-emission buses.

Eligible Projects

  • Acquiring or leasing low or no emission transit buses
  • Constructing or leasing facilities and related equipment for low or no emission transit buses
  • Constructing new public transportation facilities to accommodate low or no emission transit buses
  • Rehabilitating or improving existing public transportation facilities to accommodate low or no emission transit buses.

Click here for application instructions.

For more information, contact Sean Ricketson, FTA Office of Research Demonstration and Innovation, 202-366-6678 or [email protected].

Categories: FundingNews