
Tulsa Area Clean Cities Stakeholder Meeting: Funding Opportunities

On January 22 at 3:00, Tulsa Area Clean Cities (TACC) Co-Coordinators, Adriane Jaynes and Eric Pollard will explain the two funding sources administered by TACC. These funds are 1) Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) funds used for alternative fuel vehicle purchases and conversions, and 2) a new low-interest, revolving loan program.

CMAQ is a grant program open to INCOG area local governments and INCOG area local government agencies for alternative fuel conversions, alternative fuel vehicle purchases, and alternative fueling infrastructure. The revolving low-interest loan program will likely be open to most public and private entities in eastern Oklahoma for alternative fuel conversions, alternative fueling stations, as well as energy efficiency upgrades on existing buildings. Come to this meeting to learn more about these two competitive funding sources. The meeting will also highlight past recipients of CMAQ funds.

The meeting will be at the Case Community Center, 1050 W Wekiwa, Sand Springs, OK. To RSVP for this event, please email [email protected].

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