

The Indian Nations Council of Governments (INCOG) is a voluntary association of local and tribal governments in the Tulsa metropolitan area in northeast Oklahoma. Established in 1967, INCOG is one of 11 Councils of Governments in the State of Oklahoma, and one of several hundred regional planning organizations across the country.  INCOG provides planning and coordination services to assist in creating solutions to local and regional challenges in such areas as land use, transportation, community and economic development, environmental quality, public safety, and services for older adults. INCOG serves Creek, Osage, Rogers, Tulsa, and Wagoner counties, more than 50 cities and towns located in those counties, and the Muscogee (Creek) and Osage Nations.

Within its Environmental and Transportation divisions, INCOG houses Tulsa Area Clean Cities (TACC), OzoneAlert! and the Tulsa Transportation Resource Center (TRC).  All three of these programs encourage the general public to use alternative transportation options – alternative fuels, bus, bike, walking, and ride sharing.

  • Tulsa Area Clean Cities is one of 86 Clean Cities Coalitions sponsored by the Department of Energy. The Clean Cities mission is to reduce the use of petroleum in the transportation sector by utilizing alternative fuels and reducing gasoline usage, with a primary emphasis on fleets. At the local level, Tulsa Area Clean Cities serves as an information hub for local alternative fuel implementation projects, assists fleet managers in understanding the rapidly changing landscape of alternative fuels, and demonstrates the financial benefits of choosing the correct alternative fuel for the correct application. www.TulsaCleanCities.com
  • The Ozone Alert! Program educates and encourages a voluntary, episodic approach to summer air pollution reduction. Now beginning its twenty-fifth season, the widely-recognized program remains foundational to our region’s air quality improvement efforts.   OzoneAlert!’s diverse public education and outreach venues provide geographically based real-time air quality information, effective mass-alert notification of Ozone Alert! Days, and promote voluntary emission-reduction strategies on those days.  OzoneAlert.com
  • The Transportation Resource Center (TRC) is a mobility management project of the Indian Nation Council of Governments (INCOG). The TRC is designed to connect residents to their best transportation options, emphasizing the needs of those with limited mobility. www.tulsatrc.org

Though all three programs are housed in the same organization and have some overlap in programmatic goals and external stakeholders, these programs have not historically collaborated on any significant project.   INCOG has one 40 hour/week paid internship available for the Summer of 2015 working with  TACC, OzoneAlert! and TRC to identify cohesive outreach messages to broaden the impact of these three programs. Applicants do not necessarily need to know a great deal about alternative fuels, air quality, or alternative transportation, though personal or academic interests in environmental issues are a plus.  Applicants should have strong research, personal, and writing skills; be self-motivated; comfortable talking with community members; and ready to jump into unexpected projects.  Applicant should be currently enrolled in, or have recently completed one of the following academic programs, or a program with similar curriculum: marketing, public relations, communications.  Technology skills in design software, including InDesign or Adobe Creative Suite are strongly preferred.  Applicants pursuing graduate degrees are preferred, but undergraduate juniors and seniors will also be considered.

Dates of this 10 week internship are approximately June 1, 2015 through August 14, 2015 with up to one week of unpaid leave.  The intern will work in the INCOG offices at 2 West 2nd Street, Suite 800 in Downtown Tulsa during this time.

To apply, please send a resume, cover letter, and writing sample to Adriane at [email protected].   Please include “internship application” in the subject line.  Attachments should be saved with the applicant name in the file name (i.e. Mary Smith resume; Mary Smith cover letter; Mary Smith writing sample). The writing sample can be a recent academic assignment on any topic, but must be the sole work of the applicant and a minimum of three pages.

Compensation will be $6,000 for graduate students or $4,800 for undergraduates. These figures reflect the total compensation for the entire 10 weeks. Student may take up to one week of unpaid leave through the course of the summer.  If successful, there is a possibility that the internship could be extended through the academic year as a part-time, paid positon.

The deadline to apply is April 27, 2015. Candidates will be contacted only if selected for an interview by April 29, 2015.  Interviews will be conducted in Tulsa.  If candidates are unable to travel to Tulsa for interviews, accommodations may be made for interviews via Skype, etc. Questions?  Email: [email protected]

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