
Alternative fuels, particularly CNG, received significant attention in Oklahoma’s 2015 legislative session. Three bills were signed by Governor Fallin in recent weeks which positively impact the alternative fuel industry.

Bill 656: County Vehicles Fuel Conversion Program
This bill creates a revolving fund for counties to recieve no interest, 5-year loans to purchase new CNG vehicles, or convert existing vehicles to CNG. The details of this program have not yet been made available, but Clean Cities will follow the development of this program and keep our members up to date as the details emerge.

Bill 1283: Measurement of Natural Gas
This bill requires that retail sales to the public of Compressed Natural Gas be measured in GGEs, and sales of Liquefied Natural Gas be measured in DGEs; however, there is language in the bill that directs the Oklahoma Department of Labor to look to the National Conference of Weights and Measures for guidance, so for those of you who have been following this topic at the national level, this by no means settles the issue in the long term.

Bill 1728: Alternative Fuels Technician Certification
1728 amended the Oklahoma Department of Labor Alternative Fuels Technician Certification Act. The bill made many small but important changes to ODOL’s Alternative Fuel Program. The most notable changes are:

  • Increasing the amount of liability insurances required for alternative fuel conversion business and station builders to $1,000,000.
  • Adding a “trainee” certificate for employees of licensed alternative fuel conversion companies working under direct supervision of a licensed alternative fuel equipment technician.
  • Adding several categories of fines for failure to comply with the Alternative Fuels Technician Certification Act. Fines range from $200-$500.

For more on the Oklahoma Department of Labor Alternative Fuels Technician Certification program, or to read the full text of the Alternative Fuels Technician Certification Act, click here.

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