
Need help paying for that new school bus or upgrade? EPA is offering an opportunity to receive up to $25,000 per vehicle to replace your older school buses, and up to $6,000 per vehicle for retrofits. Older school buses without retrofits emit significant amounts of harmful exhaust, so participating in this program will help improve the health of students and other members of your community.

The 2016 School Bus Rebate Program is now open and applications will be accepted until November 1, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. ET. Please visit www.epa.gov/cleandiesel/clean-diesel-rebates for the Program Guide with all the details as well as FAQs and the application form.

Eligible Entities

  • Regional, state, or tribal agencies including school districts and municipalities, or
  • Private entities that operate school buses under a contract with an entity listed above

Important Dates

September 29, 2016 Application period opens
October 7, 2016

1-2 p.m. ET

Webinar for applicants: Link to Webinar

Call-in Number: 866-299-3188
Access Code: 20 2343 9571

November 1, 2016

4 p.m. ET

Application period closes
December 2016 (estimated) EPA posts selectees and waiting list online. Official selection letters mailed to selectees
March 2017 (estimated) Purchase order submission deadline for replacement buses and retrofits (90 days after selection letter date)
September 2017 (estimated) Deadline for submitting payment documentation demonstrating installation of retrofits, delivery of replacement buses, and scrappage of old buses. (Nine months after selection letter date)
Within one month after receipt of payment documentation Selectee will receive their rebate payment

Please contact [email protected] if you have questions.