The Tulsa Area Clean Cities Coalition invites you to frequent the following resources to gather data over the current energy and transportation landscape in Oklahoma. We welcome suggestions for additional tools and data platforms to include for our stakeholders’ awareness.
Oklahoma Transportation Data for Alternative Fuels and Vehicles
Alternative Fuel Vehicles Registration Data
FHWA Alternative Fuel Corridors
U.S. DOT State Transportation by the Numbers-Oklahoma
Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID) | US EPA
Alternative Fueling Station Locator
Plugshare EV Charging Station Finder
Alternative Fuels Data Center Tools for Fleets
Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Toolbox (EVI-X Toolbox)
Geospatial Energy Mapper (GEM)
NREL SLOPE Tool (Map & Scenario Planner)
Council on Environmental Quality Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool