Hand with glove holding soybeans

Biodiesel is manufactured by chemically reacting vegetable oils, recycled cooking grease, or animal fats with alcohol. Today’s biodiesel is primarily made from domestically produced soybean oil, which has extremely low sulfur content. Cooking oil and animal fat biodiesel is also produced with very low sulfur.

When biodiesel is blended with petroleum diesel, it produces a fuel that is compatible with diesel engines, displaces imported petroleum, and reduces harmful emissions. Blends like B2 (2% biodiesel and 98% diesel) and B5 (5% biodiesel and 95% diesel) are becoming increasingly common as drivers become more aware of the many benefits. Biodiesel blends of 20% biodiesel or more are also widely available.

As long as the biodiesel used for blending meets ASTM D6751 standards, low-level biodiesel blends such as B2 and B5 can be used safely in any compression-ignition engine that is designed to be operated on diesel fuel. This may include diesel-powered cars, trucks, tractors, boats, and electrical generators.

Explore Biodiesel Stations in the TACC area

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Biodiesel Links

  • Visit the page for information from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Alternative Fuel Data Center
  • FuelEconomy.gov offers biodiesel information from the U.S. Department of Energy’s fuel economy website
  • National Biodiesel Board is the national trade association representing biodiesel. Visit the link to learn more about their mission and engagement
  • FuelEconomy.gov’s Diesel Comparisons – Learn more about biodiesel vehicles that are currently available.

Renewable Diesel

Renewable diesel is a drop-in alternative to petroleum diesel produced using biomass waste or residue, usually vegetable oil, animal fat, waste cooking oil, and algal oil. Renewable diesel is chemically identical to conventional diesel fuel and can be put directly into an engine, unlike biodiesel which is blended with petroleum diesel.

Renewable diesel offers benefits of lower carbon emissions and reduced maintenance costs. According to the EPA, renewable diesel produced from distillers sorghum oil is 63% less carbon intensive than petroleum diesel.

There are currently no renewable diesel stations in Oklahoma