
CNG Safety Assurance Efforts Webinar

Tuesday, April 11 at 12pm Central Presented by John Gonzales (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) and Kay Kelly (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) Vehicles using CNG fuel systems require different maintenance and inspection than conventional fuel systems. The Clean Cities CNG fuel tank safety initiative helps fleets to understand tank inspection and Read more…

Annual Report Survey Available. Please complete by March 1st.

2016 Annual Report Survey

Each year, we request fleet data from our stakeholders to understand more clearly alternative fuel use in eastern Oklahoma. Because of this stakeholder-supplied information, we know that our stakeholders saved 4.8 million gallons of petroleum in 2015, and nearly 19 million gallons since 2009. Nationally, the Clean Cities program has Read more…

Free CNG Station Safety Training

Back by popular demand, CNG Fuel Station Safety Training will take place Friday, October 14 in Oklahoma City.

The free training, made possible through a federal grant, is aimed at fire marshals, code inspectors/officers, and zoning/planning staff. Attendees will learn about natural gas, how to navigate often-conflicting code requirements, and more, to make sure your community is making informed and practical decisions when applications for new CNG fueling stations are submitted.

The course will be taught by FS Circle Solutions, a training provider established by Broken Arrow Fire Chief Jeremy Moore. The class is limited to 25 participants, so please register early. (more…)