
Tulsa Area Clean Cities will be having a meeting to present an overview of the Department of Energy Grant recently awarded to Tulsa Area Clean Cities. This grant was funded at $750,000 for planning purposes to reduce barriers to wider implementation of alternative fuels and fueling infrastructure.  We will be presenting the 11 projects and will have some of the project participants at the meeting. Please note all of these funds have been obligated, no vehicles or fueling infrastructure can be purchased with these funds.


The meeting will be held at the new office’s of the Tulsa Regional Chamber on April 16th from 2pm-3pm. The Tulsa Chamber is located at 2 west 2nd Street (same building as INCOG) but in Tower 1. We will be meeting in the Spirit Aerosystems Conference Room. As this is a new conference room we will have signs pointing the way.


Parking is fairly limited, please click here for a Parking Map.

Categories: News