
The EPA has announced the availability of grant funding to implement projects aimed at reducing emissions from older diesel engines.

The EPA anticipates awarding approximately $40 million in Diesel Emission Reduction Program (DERA) grant funding to eligible applicants, subject to the availability of funds.

Eligible projects, according to the EPA, can include the replacement of diesel vehicles/equipment with new, cleaner diesel; hybrid or alternative fuel vehicles/equipment such as compressed and liquefied natural gas or propane autogas; or zero-tailpipe-emissions technologies such as battery or fuel cell.

The agency is soliciting applications nationwide for projects that significantly reduce diesel emissions and exposure, especially from fleets operating at goods movements facilities in areas designated as having poor air quality. Priority for funding will also be given to projects that engage and benefit local communities and applicants that demonstrate their ability to promote and continue efforts to reduce emissions after the project has ended, according to the EPA.

Who May Apply
Regional, state, local or tribal agencies, or port authorities with jurisdiction over transportation or air quality. Nonprofit organizations may apply if they provide pollution reduction or educational services to diesel fleet owners or have, as their principal purpose, the promotion of transportation or air quality. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, March 6, 2019.

Under this competition, EPA anticipates awarding 40-80 assistance agreements. Applicants must request funding from the EPA regional office covering the geographic project location. The maximum amount of funding per application varies by region.

More information can be found here.

Categories: Funding