
Back by popular demand, CNG Fuel Station Safety Training will take place Friday, October 14 in Oklahoma City.

The free training, made possible through a federal grant, is aimed at fire marshals, code inspectors/officers, and zoning/planning staff. Attendees will learn about natural gas, how to navigate often-conflicting code requirements, and more, to make sure your community is making informed and practical decisions when applications for new CNG fueling stations are submitted.

The course will be taught by FS Circle Solutions, a training provider established by Broken Arrow Fire Chief Jeremy Moore. The class is limited to 25 participants, so please register early.

➤ Registration & More Information

Who should attend?

  • Code Officials
  • Fire Marshals & Inspectors
  • CNG Professionals

About the Instructor: Chief Jeremy Moore

Chief Jeremy Moore has been a professional firefighter since 1996, serving his community in areas of operations and the administration. Moore holds a Bachelor’s in Fire Service Management and a Master’s in Public Administration. Chief Moore’s accreditations include Fire Inspector and Fire Service Instructor from the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress. In 2009, he completed the National Fire Academy’s Executive Fire Officer Program.

Chief Moore has shown a commitment to sustainable, clean energy for his city’s future and procured the first CNG vehicle for his fire department. He has become a leader across the nation on the safety and codes for Compressed Natural Gas stations because of his interest in natural gas as a transportation fuel.

Chief Moore founded FS Circle Solutions, which currently works with several industry leaders to help educate public officials about natural gas stations and alternative fuel vehicles.

Categories: NewsTraining