
Idle Reduction Technology for

Light, Medium Duty and Emergency  Fleets

Tuesday, June 26th 8:30 am

Expo Square, Tulsa OK

Breakfast will be served. 

Please RSVP to [email protected] by June 21


Tulsa Area Clean Cities invites you to learn about Energy Xtreme’s power management systems, which enable vehicles to operate equipment including lights, laptops, cameras, radios, power tools, and hydraulic systems without engaging the engine. This saves fuel, reduces dead batteries and engine wear, and provides better functionality while reducing emissions. These systems provide silent mobile electric power with superior idle reduction capabilities for fleets in law enforcement, fire, public works, transportation, utilities, news vans, and work trucks.



More About Idle Reduction Technologies:

Idle reduction describes technologies and practices that reduce the amount of time drivers idle their engines. Reducing idling time has many benefits, including reductions in fuel costs, engine and battery wear, emissions, and noise.

Drivers idle for a variety of reasons, such as keeping vehicles warm, operating radios, or powering equipment. Each year, U.S. passenger cars, light trucks, medium-duty trucks, and heavy-duty vehicles consume more than 6 billion gallons of diesel fuel and gasoline—without even moving.

Idling can be reduced without compromising driver comfort or vehicle equipment operations.

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