
Propane Mower Incentive

The Propane Education & Research Council offers incentives for the purchase or conversion of qualified mowers. Fleets, landscape companies, and other eligible entities can receive $1,000 per qualifying new mower purchase or $500 for each mower conversion. A single company or organization may receive incentive payments for the purchase of up to 25 eligible mowers per year.

A limited number of incentives are available, so PERC recommends applying for participation in the program before making a purchase. View the application and additional information.


ONE Gas CNG Rebate Program

ONE Gas offers the following rebates for CNG-powered vehicles:

  • $1,000 for dedicated NGVs
  • $500 for bi-fueled NGVs
  • $1,000 for home fueling systems

Visit ONE Gas’s website for program updates, rebate applications, and more information.


Low-interest Alternative Fuel Loan Fund for Private Fleets

Oklahoma has a private loan program with a 3% interest rate for the cost of converting private fleets to operate on alternative fuels. These low-interest loans may be secured for the incremental cost of purchasing an Original Equipment Manufacturer AFV and/or the eligible purchase and installation of converting vehicles to alternative fuels. Eligible fuels include compressed natural gas (CNG), and liquid petroleum gas (LPG). It is possible that other alternative fuels may be considered. This program does not include loans for fueling infrastructure. The repayment of the loan is made from fuel savings during a maximum six-year loan period.

For more information on these loans please download Alternative Fuel Vehicle Loan Program Application Guidelines, published by the State Energy Office.


Kylah McNabb | Renewable Energy Specialist | Oklahoma Department of Commerce