
Oklahoma Alternative Fuel Tax Credit Forms

To apply for Oklahoma Alternative Fuel Vehicle and Infrastructure Tax Credit you will need the following forms.

  • Required Form | You must fill out Form 511CR for each tax credit for which you are applying.
  • Vehicle & Fueling Station Credits | To apply for vehicle credits and/or fueling station credits, you must fill out Form 567A.


Federal Alternative Fuel Tax Credit Forms

For the federal tax credit for selling alternative fuels for use in a motor vehicle, consult the following IRS pages:


Oklahoma Natural Gas CNG Rebate Program

The State of Oklahoma offers rebate program to promote CNG use in Oklahoma, funded through a 25-cent surcharge on each gallon of CNG sold at all public CNG dispensers owned and operated by Oklahoma Natural Gas. Visit ONG’s website for program updates, rebate applications, and more information.

Rebate Levels

  • $2,000 for dedicated NGVs
  • $2,000 for bi-fuel NGVs
  • $3,000 for home fueling systems