
First Tulsa Clean Cities Meeting of 2015

Join us for lunch at Tulsa Gas Technologies

Please join us for the first Clean Cities meeting of the New Year! The meeting, to be held on January 14, will bring together both Tulsa Area and Central Oklahoma Clean Cities Coalitions to discuss how you can leverage their extensive local and national networks of alternative fuel experts to begin or take your alternative fuel project to the next level. If you have never attended a Tulsa Clean Cities meeting, or it has been awhile, this will be a perfect time to reconnect with us and learn how your local Clean Cities can help your organization. Lunch will be provided.

Please click here to RSVP by January 10.

Clean Cities Meeting, hosted by Tulsa Gas Technologies
January 14, 2015
12-1:30 pm
4809 S 101st E Ave
Tulsa, OK 74146

Our New Year’s resolution is to increase the use of alternative fuels in Oklahoma; what will yours be?
Click here to RSVP

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