
Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Hosting Public Meeting on Volkswagen Beneficiary Mitigation Plan

The Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) will conduct a public meeting on December 5, 2017 from 1 to 4 pm at DEQ’s offices, 707 N. Robinson Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73101, to collect information from stakeholders and receive comments concerning Oklahoma’s Volkswagen Beneficiary Mitigation Plan (BMP).

The BMP will be a high-level plan describing the State’s intentions for utilizing Oklahoma’s funding allocation from the Volkswagen Mitigation Trust (Trust).

Executive Order 2017-33 signed by Governor Mary Fallin on October 30, 2017 designates DEQ as the Lead Agency for administration of Trust funds within the State of Oklahoma. The Office of the Oklahoma Secretary of Energy and Environment (SOEE) will provide oversight and final approval of the mitigation plan.

Oklahoma’s combined initial allocation from the 2.0 Liter and 3.0 Liter vehicle settlements is $20,922,485.12.

According to the Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (Agreement), these funds may be spent towards any of ten eligible mitigation project categories. For a detailed description of these categories and eligible projects, please see Appendix D-2 of the Agreement.

This public meeting is a listening session, providing interested persons with the opportunity for input towards the drafting of the BMP; DEQ will not be responding to questions or comments regarding the contents of the BMP at this meeting. During the comment period, DEQ encourages the submission of detailed information regarding all eligible mitigation action categories, including but not limited to technical information, technology availability, cost, and estimated emission reductions if available. DEQ intends to identify project categories that will provide the State with the most emission reductions for the least cost in geographic areas that carry a disproportionate share of air pollution burden, without duplicating or competing with existing assistance programs and resources. After the BMP has been written, it will be made available on the DEQ website and there will be another opportunity for public comment.

When and Where

The public meeting will be held on December 5, 2017 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM at the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, 707 N. Robinson Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73101. The meeting will be held in the Multipurpose Room.

The meeting will begin with an informational presentation by DEQ staff and the presentation will be followed by oral and/or written comments by interested persons. Individuals may present oral statements when called upon. It is recommended that a written summary be submitted when making an oral statement. Written comments may be received either prior to or during the meeting. All comments received will become public record. DEQ will refer to received comments as a resource in the development of the BMP but will not be responding to comments at this meeting. Persons with disabilities who have special communication or other accommodation needs who are planning to attend the meeting should contact the Air Quality Division at (405) 702-4100. Requests should be made as far in advance as possible.

Submitting Public Comments

The public comment period is currently open. Comments may be submitted to:

Mrs. Heather Lerch
Air Quality Division
PO Box 1677
Oklahoma City, OK 73101

(405) 702-4100
[email protected]

Comments must be received by December 5, 2017.

Categories: MeetingsNews