
May 15, 2012 Tulsa Area Clean Cities is proud to welcome Central Oklahoma Clean Cities Coalition to the 2012 statewide meeting hosted by Tulsa Technology Center’s Broken Arrow campus.

This meeting will focus on state and federal policy surrounding the CNG industry.

Marty Reineman from the EPA will speak about the CNG conversion kit certification process and answer your questions; Michael Ming, the Oklahoma Secretary of Energy, will speak about CNG efforts at the state level; and a state licensed CNG mechanic from Tulsa Tech will outline the importance of using only mechanics and shops that are licensed to work on CNG vehicles in Oklahoma.  The meeting will be followed by an optional tour the Alternative Fuel Lab at Tulsa Tech.

Lunch will be served at 11:30, program begins at noon.  Please RSVP to [email protected].  Registration is limited to 80 participants.  We may establish a waiting list if there is overwhelming interest in this event.

Categories: News