
December 8, 2015
Tulsa Community College Northeast Campus
3727 E Apache St, Tulsa, OK 74115

The National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium, First Responder Training Experts from the Tulsa Area, and Tulsa Area Clean Cities have updated and developed curriculum for our First Responders in response protocol for alternative fuel vehicle incidents. The train-the-trainer sessions will be presented for the first time at Tulsa Community College’s Northeast Campus on December 8. First Responder Trainers from across the state and across the country are invited to attend this free training. *Trainer status will be verified.
TACC wants to thank first responders for learning about alternative fuels and taking a leadership role in the advancement of these fuels in our region.

You are invited to the press event (10 a.m.), vehicle display (10 a.m.), and luncheon (12 p.m.) on December 8th.

All TACC stakeholders are invited bring alternative fuel vehicles to our vehicle display and luncheon. We want to have a large vehicle display to demonstrate the wide variety of alternative fuel vehicles are already on Oklahoma roads.

Have questions? Please call us at 918-579-9494 or email at [email protected]

The meeting is free to attend, but space is limited, so please RSVP here so we can plan accordingly.


TACC Stakeholder – Luncheon, vehicle display and press event only (no courses) 10 a.m.

Firefighters Course (8 a.m. – 5 p.m.)

Law Enforcement Course (8 a.m. – noon)

Emergency Medical Services Course (1 – 5 p.m.)
Interested in sponsoring lunch? Call or email us at 918-579-9494 or [email protected].