
CMAQ Public Fleet Conversion Grant

Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality funding or CMAQ, comes from the Federal Highway Administration through the Oklahoma Department of Transportation and is administered locally by INCOG and Tulsa Area Clean Cities.  CMAQ encourages projects promoting the conversion of vehicles to alternative fuel vehicles, the purchase of original equipment manufactured (OEM) alternative fuel vehicles, and development of the alternative fuel vehicle infrastructure within the Tulsa area. CMAQ grants help ensure expansion of AFVs in the Tulsa area as well as provide incentives, visibility and recognition for public fleets adopting a clean vehicle philosophy in support of the Tulsa Area Clean Cities program. In the last five years, this program has awarded nearly $500,000 in grants to 15 area governments to purchase or convert 33 alternative fuel vehicles

The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Program provides a flexible funding source for state and local governments and school districts to fund transportation projects that reduce mobile source emissions. The funding provided by this program is intended to meet four primary goals:

  1. Stimulate additional public/private sector investment in alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) and infrastructure.
  2. Further develop the Alternative Fuel Vehicle market in the INCOG region.
  3. Reduce dependence on foreign oil.
  4. Reduce air pollution from mobile source emissions, including hydrocarbons (specifically Volatile Organic Compounds or VOC), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), and carbon monoxide (CO).

Eligible recipients are local governmental and public entities located within the Tulsa Transportation Management Area

Tulsa Area Clean Cities is currently accepting proposals from eligible entities. Click the links to download the RFP and Application:

  1. 2014 CMAQ Request for Proposals for Public Fleet Conversion 
  2. 2014 CMAQ Application packet

The deadline for  proposals is March 31, 2014.

If you have questions regarding this funding opportunity, please contact Adriane Jaynes at 918.579.9494 or [email protected].

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