
INCOG anticipates awarding a total of approximately $652,000 in low interest loans for this announcement. Funding of selected projects is fully based upon availability of funds and final approval by ODOC & the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
Click here to download full announcement and application documents.


Eligible applicants include the entities listed below. Priority will be given to primary applicants; however, exceptional projects from secondary applicants could be awarded funding.

 Primary Applicants
Units of Local Government
Indian Tribes
Educational Institutions 
 Secondary Applicants
Commercial Facilities
Private Companies
Nonprofit Organizations


Loans can be used for a variety of energy projects, several examples are listed below. If your project type is not listed below or you have questions about project eligibility, call Adriane Jaynes at 918-579-9494 prior to filling out an application to determine if it is eligible for these funds. Eligible projects must be physically located within the State of Oklahoma, cost effective, and meet the review criteria.

Alternative Fuels: Alternative fuel vehicle projects (including CNG, propane, electric, solar, ethanol, biodiesel, etc.).  This category is for the funding the incremental cost of dedicated alternative fuel vehicles (AFV’s), conversion of vehicles to alternative fuel technologies, and/or the installation of alternative fueling infrastructure.  Public-private partnerships are encouraged in alternative fuel projects as these types of arrangements can best leverage varying funding sources.

Building Energy Efficiency:  Energy efficiency retrofits of buildings and industrial facilities.  Activities could include installation of energy efficient lighting, HVAC units, windows, building system management controls, thermal energy efficiency, and more. Any energy efficiency project should begin with a discussion of the project with the local utility as these projects may qualify for additional rebates and incentives from the utility..

Renewable Energy Projects: Renewable energy applications including wind energy, biomass power, geothermal, solar power, combined heat and power (CHP), fuel cells and distributed energy generation or other renewable sources relating to the generation of electricity.

Demand Management: Implementation of solutions to cut or decrease electricity consumption or demand.



All applications must be emailed to [email protected] no later than Friday, December 11, 2015.